Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sitting in class...

and bored. It kind of sucks taking a course that you have taken before and having to sit through the pointless lectures. Not to say that the class is pointless or the teacher is bad, but being that I know 99.9% of the material, I wish i could move on. Making the switch from one major to another really messes up the courses you've taken. Oh well... I'm happy with my decision and I guess I'll just get an easy A. But still, what a drag.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Going to a school in Burbank is great. We're so close to all  the movie studios that it makes our campus a great filmimng location. Today one of my favorite shows came to town, The Office. It was so cool seeing them film here, even though it's probably going to be a 40 sec clip in the show, it's still exciting. I wanted to take a picture, but they yelled at me, so i had to put my camera away. :(  It's always fun seeing celebs in real life. I mean they are normal people, but something about the fact they're on tv, makes it so much better. Today i saw John Krasinski (Jim) and Jenna Fisher (Pam), although I just missed Steve Carell (Michael). All in all, it was a fun day.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

School, Sweet, School

So it's been about 3 weeks now that i have officially started graphic design at school. I've got to say that it's been fun. I like how fast the projects move, it's not like we work on one project for 5-6 weeks, its about 1 1/2 weeks per project now, and i like that pace. Currently I'm taking a typography course which has been fun. Color theory also has a quality to it that i appreciate, nice easy going projects. Graphic Design 1 is probably the most fun out of all of 'em all. The professor teaches it using all hand techniques, which produce great results, the kind of stuff that would take hours to make in photoshop.
The big draw this semester is a project that I'm doing with a good friend. This project would be huge for both me and my partner. It's actually a competition, but we were able to make it an independent study course for ourselves. More on the project to come.
For now I guess I'll be keeping steady, trying not to fall behind, and making sure i have time for myself and loved ones. We dont want a repeat of the architecture takeover (although i still dont have anything against it, i love it too).