Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween, Pumpkins and LBP

So its Halloween time again. Can' believe its been a year since we all went to DCA for the halloween party. Well another halloween is apon us and Jen and I made a new pumpkin carving. We made our Jack-O-Lantern on monday and it turned out great.
This past weekend was Amy's and Cristin's b-day. We all had a good time with some korean bbq and poonopoly. Hope you liked it cris. I'd like to think poonopoly is one of the greatest games ever.
School has been going well and I cant wait to post up some stuff ive been doing. My Independent project is coming along well, although we just realized that we need to finish the project for school in 4 weeks, so.. ouch. Got alot to do for that. All my other classes are great and having fun. I'm actually enjoying history, its interesting.

LittleBigPlanet Has been a game I've been waiting for for a long time. If you haven't seen anything about it, google it, it's awesome. This guy was made from one of the creators mothers.(Sack Boys Fo Real) This is so freakin' awesome, I wish I had one, or the knowledge to create one. The game was supposed to come out last week but was unfortunately delayed. I will be picking up my copy of the game friday though, and will probably be playing this all weekend. Thats it for now. I know I've always said I want to post more, and ill say it again, i will try.