Friday, March 20, 2009


This month has been one for the books. I finally have built up the courage to move out of the house and venture out into the world. Well, not all by myself, I have Jen there with me every step of the way. Moving from Alhambra to Brentwood is going to be lots of fun. Although I am going to dread the commute back up to Burbank everyday. Jen's family assures me that the travel up to Burbank for me will not be as difficult as I think it will be. It may be pleasant because most people are leaving the valley to LA, and I'm going the opposite.
Currently I'm on spring break. This means I get a bigger work load than normal for my studio classes (which all the classes I'm taking are studios) because I will have "more" time to do them. Sometimes I wonder if my professors remember what its like to be a student that goes to school and works all week. Ehh, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
I know I haven't posted for a while, but the projects I mentioned before are all done. So I've moved on to the next round of projects. I want to get some hosting up soon, but for now, I'll post smaller versions here. Please comment if you want.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Projects, projects, projects

I am so tired. Last semester i felt like i had all the time in the world. Of course i was switching from all nighters in architecture (or architourture) to flying by in graphic design. The work seemed so simple and easy. Not to toot my own horn, but i ROCKED it last semester. This semester also started that way, but all my instructors seemed to have a thing about starting off slow, and realizing projects have timelines. ugh. All my classes have piled up so I've been so stressed these past couple of weeks. All the projects seem to be due next week, when most of them were spread out enough to make thinks simple. That plus the fact that my disney project is due by the 28th, and my resume is due to them by this friday!!! I'm so tired and burnt out. Hope fully I'll get a good weekend rest next month and start fresh on the next projects. 
I know this isn't a big load for me personally, but these last 3 weeks in february are killer. Even though I'm tired and burnt out, i still feel like I'm doing some awesome work. The disney project is sure to be a placing project. Our idea is so unique and we've tried developing it so that it seems as it could become a real project. And I have come to the realization that i love typography. I love letterforms and manipulating them. Type 2 has a project with a brochure design, i think i have it pretty dialed in, just few more tweaks and I'm good. The Identity and Branding project in GD2 is fun also. Creating a whole identity from scratch is so new to me that i find it really fun. We also get to dabble in package design a bit. Photography is somewhat review for me, but having direction in the taking of pictures makes me enjoy the end result more than when i did it on my own.
All in all I'm having a great time in graphic design, although i may seem anti-graphic at times, i know i will always come back around.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wow... Long time

Well its been some time now that I haven't updated this thing. Although I'm guessing there aren't many people reading. But mark my works there will be more, oh yes, there will be more. haha. ok well so far I've started 2nd year in Graphic Design. I'm kinda fast tracking through it cause i spent so long in architecture. So far the classes are great. Im so looking forward to what i can produce in photography, typography has become my new favorite field, and magazine layout and book layout seen fun. The Secret project thats on the right in my to do list, is almost done. It's being submitted at the end of Feb.
A friend of mine and I are entering a Disney Design Competition. We have created a kick ass project that hopefully can place within the top finalists. I will talk about it more later, in detaill and show mock ups, but for now, all I can say is that its going to be Legen...Dary!!