Monday, April 28, 2008


This means BASEBALL!!!! I love this game. So many memories as a kid going to games. Hot Dogs, Crakerjacks, peanuts, and now, in my adult days, BEER!!! Going to the ball park is so much fun. The game has the power to go from drab and slow, to uber exciting in just 1 pitch. I've gotten to go to my first game of the season, and although my team lost, I still had a blast. Go ANGELS!!!

Monday, April 7, 2008


I've been taking pictures with my Nikon D40 for about a year now. I would still consider myself a beginning amateur. But, I guess I just haven't spent the time to take the pictures I want. I've taken some ok pictures, but none that i really have gone.. wow, thats good. And then, one fateful morning, before i left to work - eureka!!! I got a picture that I'm truly proud of. I think that there might be more in the works for me. And now that I have the time to learn more, I think I might be able to come up with more quality shots. So heres my first picture I'm truly proud of. And believe me, this is the first of many to come. :)